Posts from the Old Blog: Wanna Learn More About Lightroom?

As many of you know, Lightroom is a program by Adobe made specifically for photographers. I’m sure you’ve heard other photographers rave about how it’s saved them tons of time and does the work of a full time employee. Why have you heard that? Because it’s true!!

Lightroom is all about time efficiency and batch processing, it does the vast majority of what Photoshop does in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the cost.

If you already use and love Lightroom there will be plenty left to learn in the class. It’s going to be very thorough.

If you have never used Lightroom this class will be a perfect way really see how much time and frustration you can save with Lightroom.

If you have used Lightroom and hated it, you need this class. Most people who give up on Lightroom do so because they think of it in the same way as their other programs. Once you change the way you think about it you will see a whole new world open up. You’ll find that you can do more editing in a tiny fraction of the time. No more a slave to editing, you’ll get your life back and dramatically improve your workflow.

OK, look. The class is free, you have no excuse not to show up. This class will touch on every aspect of Lightroom from how you need to think differently of Lightroom than your other editing programs, to cataloging, to editing, to slideshows, web galleries, and publishing. We will begin with a short photoshoot so that everyone will have their own photos to work on for the class and a variety of subjects to really allow us to fully go over Lightroom’s capabilities. We will then go through a complete workflow on the photos from importing and cataloging to web and publishing. Finally we will go over anything that we didn’t touch on during the workflow as well as QA.

This will be a very hands on class, everyone will go though my workflow with me. I’ve processed nearly 200,000 images with Lightroom and have a system that works very, very well. Once you see the real power of this program, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. If you already use and love Lightroom there will be plenty left to learn in the class.

When: Friday July 16th 10:00am-4:00pm – this is all day thing.

Where: The Jones Center for Families, Springdale, AR

Cost: FREE What to bring: your camera gear, your laptop (or borrow one), trial of Lightroom (if you don’t already own it).

Please note: if you don’t already own Lightroom, please don’t install the trial until the day of the class. If you do your trial will be mostly used up by the time of the class, and you won’t have much time to put your new tricks into real world practice. If you don’t own a laptop or can’t borrow one, come anyway and I’ll try to buddy you up with someone. But you may not get all there is to get out of the class because it is specifically designed for you to use Lightroom as I’m teaching it.

We’ll go over organizing and cataloging.


Batch Processing.

We’ll be talking Presets: How to use them, how to make them, where to get them…

We’ll go over exporting and watermarking:

Slideshows and Video:

Album Layouts:

And Blog Boards:

Web galleries, and so much more!!

OK, so, the facility. If you don’t know anything about it read on. It’s a huge facility that not only has a lovely room for our class, but it also has a pool, gym, ice rink, park, and more. So, what I’m saying is if you need to bring, say, a spouse and kids, they can play while you are learning 🙂 Or if you need a relaxing swim after getting your brain fried in class you can. Of if you need to get some exercise in you can. Go check it out! Ok, you’re coming. Great! Glad to hear it.

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