Posts from the Old Blog: Someone Noticed

Someone noticed.

When I first started to change the way I was eating – I hesitate to call it a diet because this is neither temporary nor is it just for weight loss but rather it’s for correction of not only my weight but also my health in general which I’ve found tends to suffer when you are not fueling it high quality food – I decided not to tell others what I was doing. Opting to let them tell me when they began to notice. I’ve been down this road many times, and I just didn’t want people to fell like yeah, right when they heard. I wouldn’t blame them, I just didn’t want them thinking that way about me.

So I’m, -25 lbs into this journey – although that would be very noticeable on some people it’s not that noticeable on me (I have a long way to go). So I’m at the Dr.’s office having a routine blood test, where Matt’s aunt and uncle also happen to be. When I walked out of the lab, there they are sitting by Matt. I waved and as I approached Matt’s aunt said “Oh my gosh, you’ve lost a lot of weight since last time I saw you. Wow, how much did you lose?” I just kind of said yeah, I’ve lost a little thinking that Matt had been talking to them about my weight loss and her comments might be a little less than genuine. I asked him after we left and he swears he didn’t say a word about it – almost insinuating that I was a bit arrogant for thinking that he was talking about me. The nerve.

Anyway, someone noticed. And it feels really good.

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