Posts from the Old Blog: Better Than Doing Taxes: Jagmin 365 3-6-10

I’ve been suffering a headache working on my tax return, so I probably need not say more about the last couple days for me.

I’ve tried to get my brain back to functioning normally by browsing some new blogs every now and then.

And I just have to say holy crap!! have you seen Knock Off Wood??

Basically, she browses the latest styles from popular catalogs (Pottery Barn, West Elm, I even saw something from {I heart} Williams Sonoma) and posts plans for easy to make cheap furniture inspired by their designs. I’ve been browsing the blog and I can see a genuine need for almost every piece she posts.

Like this one, and this one, this one too, and here, don’t forget this one. You get the point! I think I know what the future holds for me! Anyway, there’s nothing new here today, so mosy on over the Knock Off Wood blog and get building…

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