Posts from the Old Blog: Another Snow Day: Jagmin 365 1-20-10

I missed yesterday again, but this time IT’S NOT MY FAULT!  My computer would not boot!  I fought with that stupid thing for hours last night, finally went to bed and then everything was fine this morning.  Seems that for everything computers do to save us time, they use up just as much time when they don’t work right.


We got snow again!  It seems like we’ve gotten more snow in NW Arkansas this year than we have in about 10 years!

Building a little snowman with the little guy.

And this is after it melted off for 3/4 of the day.

I’ve been kind of bummed the last few winters since it hasn’t snowed much.  I really wanted the kids to get a chance to play in the snow like I did when I was a kid.  And this year they have really gotten to!


But after going out with them 15 times a day the last few day, I have to wonder just what it was that I thought was so great about lots of snow.  It’s pretty, yeah, but what a pain.  What’s so fun about hanging out in a freezer, having your feet get soggy, and your hands turn blue anyway?!

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